Morning pages have changed my life and productivity along with mental health, just by simply writing 3 pages every morning.
I am not a morning person. I never have been. But about a year ago, I decided to give morning pages a try. I had read about them in Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way and thought they sounded like a good way to start the day.Morning pages are simply three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. There are no rules about what you write, and Cameron says that even if all you do is write "I don't know what to write" over and over again, that's fine.The point is just to get your thoughts down on paper and to get yourself into a creative mindset for the day.

I can say from personal experience that morning pages have changed my life. I'm now a convert to the practice, and do it almost every day. Here are some of the ways in which morning pages have helped me:
1. They've helped me to become more productive. Since starting morning pages, I've found that I'm much more productive during the day. I think this is because the act of writing down my thoughts first thing in the morning helps to clear my head and focus my thoughts for the day ahead.
2. They've helped me to improve my mental health. Morning pages have also had a positive impact on my mental health. The act of writing down my thoughts and feelings has helped me to deal with anxiety and stress in a more constructive way. In fact, studies have shown that journaling can be an effective treatment for anxiety and depression (1).
3. They've helped me to become more creative. One of the benefits of morning pages that I wasn't expecting was an increase in creativity. But since starting the practice, I've found that I have more ideas and am better able to come up with creative solutions to problems. This is likely because morning pages help to break down the barriers that we often put up around our creative thinking (2).
If you're looking for a way to improve your productivity, mental health, and creativity, then I recommend giving morning pages a try. Trust me, it's worth it!