The connection between creativity and mental health
Hi, I’m Marita! I’m a kindergarten teacher living in Norway. I’ve always loved planning and notebooks and stationery but started a bullet journal in May 2021 and haven’t stopped since.
I share my bullet journal spreads on Instagram. @foxstahart
Why my bullet journal is so important to me:
My journey started in May 2021 when I had been on sick leave for five months due to depression and anxiety. I thought to myself that I had to do something that would feel meaningful to me, while I was unable to work. I landed on the thought of starting a bullet journal. I’ve tried that many times before, but never succeeded. This time I created an account on Instagram specific for my art and bullet journal, and I quickly learned that it exists a community for this. I met a lot of amazing people online who shares the same interest as me. That kept me motivated to keep going and use my bullet journal even more.

"I believe that creativity and mental health have a connection."
Especially after experiencing my own transformation. I find myself less stressed and less anxious when I do bullet journaling. When I schedule certain tasks, it immediately feels better, because I know that I have a plan. Keeping track of events, appointments and due dates makes me feel more confident and calmer. And I’ll be able to have more mental clarity and focus when I write all these things down on paper.

I also love bullet journaling because it’s completely customizable. I can do whatever I want to because it’s my journal. I customize it to fit me and my needs. I love to use my bullet journal as my creative outlet, so I spruce it up with washi tapes, stickers, and colorful markers, as well as a simple theme if I feel like it.

My bullet journal has been good for me and my mental health. The good thing about it is that I am in charge of my tasks and how I want to prioritize it.
"It can be so easy to swipe personal time under the rug, so why not schedule myself some alone time with a face mask and a book or just a nap?"
It’s a great way to make sure to look after myself.
A bullet journal won’t magically fix all your problems, but I know it’s been a powerful tool to manage my mental health and it’s been like therapy for me.

I highly recommend that you develop a bullet journal habit. And I hope I’ve inspired you to get started. And remember; do it for yourself.
Good luck bullet journaling!
At KUMA Stationery Crafts we are currently making our own Bullet Journal! To check out the roadmap, read our Blog entry here
Importabt: If your battling anxiety/depression, please know that help is always available. To find a list of helplines from where you are in the world, please do not hesitate to check out the therapyroute website here.
Check out our 3 popular collections:
Washi Tape

