"How I found my journaling style"
by Autumn (@autumnaldrich)
Hello :D I’m Autumn Aldrich and I’m a bullet journalist on Instagram.
Why I began journaling:
I began bullet journaling in early 2019 after seeing a YouTube video on the original system. I’ve always been fascinated with planners and notebooks, and the thought of designing your own planner seemed very interesting to me.
I was in 7th grade at the time, and was becoming much busier with schoolwork and activities - I’d always loved to doodle and had previously been learning calligraphy, so I figured bullet journaling would be the perfect way to start organizing my life.
How I found my style:
Starting out, my bullet journal consisted of many functional spreads with minimal doodles and lettering. It wasn’t until the later half of 2019 when I began branching out with different themes and layouts.

With my main creative outlet at the time being gouache illustration, my bullet journal was still fairly minimalistic. However, once I moved away from illustration in late 2020, I began to focus all my creativity into my journaling.

It was around this time that I found that making “traditional” spreads that stuck to the same theme throughout the entire month wasn’t working for me.
Even with some of my favorite themes, I would eventually get bored of drawing the same things over and over again. I eventually decided to make my weekly themes completely separate from my overall monthly themes - not only was the variation more interesting and fun for me, but it also allowed me to really start branching out with my creativity and doodling new things.

My tips to find your style
Finding your style is part of every artist’s journey… and quite possibly one that never really ends haha
My personal tip for beginning to develop your style (besides practice and experience) is to look at other artists’ styles whom you admire and attempt to give a similar feeling to your work.
This way, you can really narrow down the look you like, and the goal you have in mind for your work.
As you continue to journal and create, you will eventually branch off into your own style unique to you!
Hope this little blog sparked some inspiration - thank you so much for reading!”
Best regards,
Autumn Aldrich
At KUMA Stationery Crafts we are currently making our own Bullet Journal! To check out the roadmap, read our Blog entry here
Check out our 3 popular collections:
Washi Tape

