KUMA Luna Notebooks Review
Journal Tips!
by @robys_bujo
Hi! I’m Roby from @robys_bujo on Instagram. I’ve been bullet journaling for almost six years and
I’ve tried many notebooks and techniques during this time.
I’ve been lucky enough to have been gifted an A5 Luna 'Moonlit Potions' Limited Edition Bullet
Journal and I’m here to give my honest review and, in the meantime, to offer some tips on how to
pick the perfect bullet journal and start your exciting journey.

Let’s start with the paper: when picking your first bullet journal you have to keep in mind the
thickness of the paper. The thicker it is, the more experimenting you can do with many different
art supplies, otherwise you might end up making a beautiful spread, only to find out the ink
ghosted all through the next few pages.
The Luna bullet journals have 160 pages and they are 160gsm ultra thick paper, that means you
can use almost any art supply on them without your ink bleeding through the page.
I think the overall design of your bullet journal is important, because you’re going to use it from
about six months to a year and you have to look at it every day, so having something pretty helps
making you want to pick it up and using it
The light blue linen cover of the Luna bullet journal is super pretty and it has a gold hand stamped
design that makes it really appealing. It also has gold edges and a pretty gold stamped design on
the spine.
I’ve always used A5 bullet journals in my life. I like this size because you can fit a lot in a page, but
you can also fit it in your bag and bring it on the go with you.
The Luna bullet journals are exactly A5, so that makes them the perfect size in my opinion.
Now that you’ve picked your notebook it’s time to open it and unleash your creativity! Here are my
top three tips to stick with bullet journaling for the whole year and not get bored after a couple of
1 Experiment
I personally like to choose a different theme every month and I love coming up with them. It
makes me excited to pick it up and start planning the new month. The beautiful thing about bullet
journaling is that you can customise it to your own needs and liking, so if you are someone with a
very minimalistic aesthetic, you can also do that!

2 Don’t over-do it
When you start a new journal you’re going to be tempted with putting a million different pages
and spreads in it and then you’re going to get bored with half of them or not even wanting to open
it because you didn’t have time to fill all the trackers and stuff. My advice is to figure out what
pages you really need and start with them. This will motivate you to use it every day.

3 Don’t compare yours with other people’s
If this is your first journal you’re probably going to make mistakes (we all do, even now!) Don’t feel
intimidated by what you see online. Everyone has its own unique style and everyone can use a
bullet journal and make a beautiful one even if they’re not professional artists.

I hope this can help you getting started with your own bullet journal and join the amazing bullet journal community around the world! You can find me over on instagram @robys_bujo and we can become bujo friends!