14 day gratitude journaling challenge
by KUMA Stationery Crafts
The Gratitude Journaling Challenge is a way to focus on gratitude, which has been proven to be one of the most powerful happiness-boosting techniques. In this post, I'll share with you my 14 day challenge that can help you feel happier and more fulfilled by focusing on gratitude in your life. Here are the details:
Day 1: Something you’re grateful for
If there's one thing I've learned from years of personal journaling, it's that starting your day with gratitude is one of the best ways to build positive momentum. Gratitude helps you focus on the positive, rather than the negative. It helps you be more mindful and aware of your surroundings (which in turn helps with mindfulness). It also makes you happier! And finally, it makes you more grateful: because when we're grateful for what we have today—even if it’s not much—we end up appreciating everything else even more in its presence or absence as well.
Exploring these benefits further will help demonstrate why gratitude is such a beneficial practice that should be integrated into everyone’s daily life ASAP!
Day 2: An event you’re looking forward to
Today, you’re going to write about something that’s going on in your life right now. You might be looking forward to a vacation or some other big event, but it doesn’t need to be anything major. What do you have planned? How will it impact your life?
Day 3: A person you admire
Today, I want you to write about the people who inspire you and make the world a better place. Whether they're family members or strangers, these people are worthy of our admiration. The person who has been there for you through thick and thin. The person who has inspired your path in life with their example. This is an opportunity for you to reflect on how others have impacted your life and helped shape it into what it is today!
Day 4: Something that made you smile today
Today, I want you to write about something that made you smile today. Perhaps it was a joke that one of your friends told, or maybe it was the way your dog ran up to meet you as soon as he saw you come home. Maybe it was even just getting through an entire day without feeling like too much had gone wrong by the end of it. Whatever made you smile today, write about it here. Write out how their actions affected your mood and how they impacted your life in general. Don't hold back—this is a safe space for honesty!

by @teacherwithaplan
Day 5: Something you’re proud of in the past or present
Today, I want you to think about something you’re proud of. It can be a big or small thing—something that happened in the past or something you are currently doing. It could be an accomplishment, like finally learning how to sew your own clothes or finishing a marathon; it could also just be an example of kindness, like volunteering at your local animal shelter.The point is that we all deserve some self-love and appreciation each day (and throughout this challenge). So instead of focusing on the negative—whether it's things that have happened in your life or thoughts about yourself—today I want you to take some time out for yourself and recognize something positive instead!
Day 6: Why are you doing this? (Not what, but why.)
You’re doing this because you want to be happier, healthier and more productive. You know that if you truly invest in yourself, it will help improve every aspect of your life.The reason why I am writing this is because I want to show people that they can do anything they set their mind to.
Day 7: Your top priorities today are...
Today's assignment is to write down three things that are important to you. What do you want to achieve today? To what extent are those goals important enough for you to focus on them instead of other tasks or activities? How can you prioritize those priorities?What is your main objective for the day, and how does it compare with other things that need doing in order for it to succeed? If there are any conflicts between tasks, which ones should take priority over others?
Day 8. What do you want to eat right now?
What did you have for breakfast? What would you like to eat for lunch? What would you like to eat for dinner? What would you like to snack on during the day?
If I had my druthers, I'd go with a peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat bread. Or maybe some roasted potatoes with kale and cheese. Or just some really good chicken soup—the kind that has chunks of chicken breast in it, not just broth with noodles or whatever. Like an actual bowl of chicken soup (chicken broth too) that's been simmering all day and smells amazing when the lid comes off at dinnertime so everyone else can get seconds if they want them. If I'm feeling down, this is one of my favorite things ever: a big steaming pot of homemade soup filled with love and goodness and energy-giving ingredients... It's pretty much impossible not to feel better after eating some truly great soul food.

by @jjournalfairy
Day 9. Write about a small thing that made your day better.
Write about a small thing that made your day better. You know the feeling when something good happens that makes you feel happy? Or proud or excited, maybe even a little bit like jumping up and down with joy? I bet it's happened to you more than once today already, if not more than once per hour! Maybe there was someone who gave you a compliment, or perhaps someone helped out when they didn't have to. Maybe it wasn't big at all but just made your day better for some reason. This is what we want to focus on for this exercise: finding those small things that make our days better and writing about them so we can remember how great they are.
Day 10. Write down 5 things that never fail to make you happy.
This step is all about self-care. When you're having a hard day, what makes it better? Maybe you're listening to your favorite song or eating something delicious. Maybe it's spending time with family and friends, or getting lost in a good book. Whatever the specifics may be, make sure to include the things that help bring joy into your life on this list!
Day 11. What is one new thing you learnt today?
What is one new thing you learnt today? Why is it important for you to learn new things?
Day 12. Write down one positive thing about yourself. (This could be anything from “You’re a good friend” to “Your hair looks nice today”.)
No matter who you are, you have something to offer the world. Think about your life and all the things that make you special. What makes you a good friend? What are some of your best qualities? Think about the things that make you happy, too. Is it working out? Making funny videos with your friends? Cooking a nice meal for someone else? Whatever it is, write down one positive thing about yourself in this journal exercise today!
Day 13: Today, I learned...
Today, I learned...examples:
The definition of the word "gratitude."
How to use a new app.
What my favorite pop star's new single sounds like.
How to make a delicious salad dressing from scratch.
Day 14. What are five things that make me smile at the end of a long day when I really need a pick-me-up?
Some examples:
Eating a favorite food or snack
Watching a favorite TV show
Hugging my dog
Reading an inspiring book or article
Listening to uplifting music
When it comes to journaling, there are no rules. You can write about whatever you want! The only thing we ask is that you keep an open mind and try some new things. This could mean picking up a new hobby or taking on new responsibilities at work. Maybe even start meditating or doing yoga! We hope these ideas have helped inspire some creativity in your own journaling process—and if not, we encourage you to start with something small (like writing about the weather) and then build from there.